Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Two by Two

June 16, 2020

How long should you be trained to heal somebody, proclaim the gospel and get demons out of complete strangers? If you were given the task to train people for this purpose, how would you have designed the training? What kind of certifications would people need? For Jesus it was clearly an on the job training. You see me do it and now go do it. Good luck! Jesus would rather deal with a mistake that deals with paralysis by over preparation. So, here you go!

When was the last time you shared your faith with someone? How did you feel? What was the results?

Jesus first modeled for the disciples what he expected. Jesus taught, made out demons and healed in front of them. Why do you think this was so crucial? What modeled you when you were a new convert? What are you modeling for others in your Christian walk?

We see a rhythm in the lives of the disciples here that will be repeated on other occasions. Jesus calls them and then sends them on a mission. How do you see this rhythm in your life right now? Be specific.

You think you are receiving these instructions directly from Jesus. What would be most difficult for you to stop taking with you (bag, bread, money, shoes, or third tunic)?

Why do you think it was so important to Jesus that they clean their feet when they left? How would you react if your feet were cleaned in front of your house?

If the disciples had decided not to participate in this effort, what would have been the consequence?

If you think that Jesus' call is still the same today, how do you think you are answering the call to come out two by two? What do you need to change?
What consequences would you see in society if the church refuses to answer Jesus' call?

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