Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Unexpected Jesus

July 5, 2020

Have you looked everywhere for something that is right in front of you? If we are honest, we have looked for our keys everywhere only to realize that we have them in our hands all along. The beginning of Mark is sort of like that moment. Mark wants you to understand who Jesus is. Actually his central question is “Who do you say that Jesus is?” Yet, before we get to hear what he has to tell us about Jesus, he wants us to be ready. How? Simple. Repent. Even at his lightning fast pace, Mark wants you to do something first before he gets to the story. Be aware of your sins and repent. The beginning of the story of Jesus is people repenting. Join the Judeans at the shores of Jordan. Listen to John. You must understand your need for Jesus before he can change your heart. Christ is closer than you think when you understand your need for Him.

If we ask people who know you well, would they describe you as a “person of a few words” or as someone who talks a lot? Would you agree?

What does the phrase “Jesus Messiah, The Son of God” mean to you? What do you think it was important to present all these aspects of the person of Jesus?

What do you think that we need someone to prepare us to hear from Jesus?

What does it take to “prepare the way for the Lord?” As a church, your family, personal life?

Why do you think that “repentance” is the way proposed by John to prepare the way for Jesus?

How would you have reacted to John if you were a part of his first audience?

What do you think is the difference between being baptized by water and being baptized by the Holy Spirit?

How do you need to “make the path straight” for God in your life?

What would be the greatest obstacle for you to do that right now? 

What sins are keeping you for fully receiving the gospel in areas of your life?

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