Tuesday, January 23, 2018

From the Depth of My Heart to the Tip of My Tongue

January 21, 2018
James 3:5-12

A father stands in the middle of an elementary school's library. All eyes are on him. All ears are attentive while he shares the reason why he is proud of his daughter. For the others in the room he is a father who shares more, for the girl they are words that he will never forget. The language, what we say, can be a source of great blessing or great curse. Santiago urges us to be careful with what we say. Our words are important and we cannot say love things on the one hand while we say destructive things on the other. A fountain cannot give fresh and dirty water at the same time.

Describe a moment in your life where the words of another person had a profoundly positive or negative impact on you.

How has your language gotten you into trouble in the past? Be specific.

Why are we so surprised by the profound damage that our words can have on others?

What do you think is the main point of verses 8-9?

Describe a moment in your life where you have tried to give "fresh and salty water" at the same time. Which it was the result?

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