Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What is Your Motivation?

January 28, 2018
James 4:1-8

Many of our fights are vicious circles of which we cannot go out alone. For example, we make demands for the respect of those close to us. However, when fighting, we say words that hurt them, and by hurting them, we lose even more respect. By losing respect, they feel justified in attacking us. Before you know it, the vicious circle keeps spinning. We come to God only when we can no more with a list of complaints asking God to serve our plans instead of humbly asking for help for our wounded heart.

When was the last time you felt you were in a vicious circle from which you could not leave?

Read the vicious circle described in verses 1-3. With what aspect of the description do you identify yourself more and why?

The phrase "the world" in verse 4 refers to the common thought of the people. How should a Christian's thought be different from a non-Christian person in terms of conflicts?

What need exists deep in your heart behind your superficial fights? For example, we fight for money but deep down we want security.

How should you approach God in that area?

¿Cuál Es Tu Motivación?

28 de enero del 2018
Santiago 4:1-8

Muchas de nuestras peleas son círculos viciosos de los cuales no podemos salir solos. Por ejemplo, hacemos demandas por el respeto de aquellos cercanos a nosotros. Sin embargo, al pelear, decimos palabras que los hieren, y al herirlos, perdemos aún más su respeto. Al perder el respeto, ellos se sienten justificados en atacarnos. Antes de que te des cuenta, el círculo vicioso sigue dando vueltas. Venimos a Dios solo cuando no podemos más con una lista de quejas pidiendo a Dios que sirva nuestros planes en vez de humildemente pedir ayuda para nuestro herido corazón.

¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te sentiste estar en círculo vicioso del cual no podías salir?

Lee el círculo vicioso descrito en los versos 1-3. ¿Con que aspecto de la descripción te identificas más y por qué?

La frase “el mundo” en el verso 4 se refiere al pensamiento común de la gente. ¿Cómo el pensamiento de un cristiano debe ser diferente de una persona no cristiano en cuanto a conflictos?

¿Qué necesidad existe en lo profundo de tu corazón detrás de tus peleas superficiales? Por ejemplo, peleamos por dinero pero en lo profundo deseamos seguridad.

¿Cómo deberías acerarte a Dios en esa área?

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

From the Depth of My Heart to the Tip of My Tongue

January 21, 2018
James 3:5-12

A father stands in the middle of an elementary school's library. All eyes are on him. All ears are attentive while he shares the reason why he is proud of his daughter. For the others in the room he is a father who shares more, for the girl they are words that he will never forget. The language, what we say, can be a source of great blessing or great curse. Santiago urges us to be careful with what we say. Our words are important and we cannot say love things on the one hand while we say destructive things on the other. A fountain cannot give fresh and dirty water at the same time.

Describe a moment in your life where the words of another person had a profoundly positive or negative impact on you.

How has your language gotten you into trouble in the past? Be specific.

Why are we so surprised by the profound damage that our words can have on others?

What do you think is the main point of verses 8-9?

Describe a moment in your life where you have tried to give "fresh and salty water" at the same time. Which it was the result?