Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Real Gift

December 3, 2017
John 3:16-18

Nicodemus wasn’t only a Pharisee among Pharisees, he was a member of the Jewish ruling council, the highest authority among Jews. He had dedicated his whole life to understanding the Law of the Old Testament and all its details. He knew all the rules and regulations. Yet despite all that knowledge, Nicodemus had missed the gift completely. I mean, he did not even had a clue. He was literally talking with Jesus and still missing the same point that we also missed. The gift is not coming. The gift is here. The gift is Jesus.

When is the last time that you missed something that you were looking for, even though it was right in front you? Explain.

Why do you think that Nicodemus comes to Jesus in the middle of the night? What does that tells us about Nicodemus?

Why do you think that Nicodemus is missing the point? What does Jesus’ reaction to Nicodemus tell us about Jesus?

According verse 17, condemnation and salvation stand at opposite ends of the spectrum. Where you see condemnation in your life or society? Where do we need salvation in your life or in society?

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