Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wrapping the Gift Back Up

December 10, 2017

John 3:16-18, 19-20

Christmas in my house is probably not that different from yours. The children make a wish list for the gifts they want. You do your very best to get “Santa” to get those gifts ready for Christmas morning. It takes a lot of hard work and long hours at your work and at the stores in order to create the perfect Christmas morning experience. Can you imagine for a second if after you do all that work, your children decide to wrap the toys back up and not use them? What if they decide to not even play at all with them? That would be crazy, and yet that is what we often do with Christ and the salvation that is offered to us. We wrapped it back up with fear. Why?

What was your favorite Christmas morning gift that you ever received?

Where did you see society choosing darkness over light this last year? Where did you see yourself choosing darkness over light this last year?

“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” How do you see this in the reality of our society?

Why do you think is so hard to exposed our deeds to the light even when we know that Jesus is the true gift?

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