Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Kings, the Sheppard and the Lion

June 11, 2017
Amos 1:1-2

By the time that we arrived at Amos, the Kingdom had been divided for years. The financial instability that immediately followed the death of Solomon had passed. This was a time of comfort, corruption and compromise. Things were going well in the eyes of those who were ripping the benefits, but not so much for the poor and the marginalized. It is hard to understand someone else's pain when everything is going well for you, but in the midst of injustice God’s roars like a lion.

How would you feel if someone that is not from your community comes in to criticize your community?

Why do you think that God ask Amos to do just that?

Why do you think that it is important for God to “roar” and “thunder” His message to through the prophet?

Where do you need someone else to speak into your life? What areas in your life does God needs to waken up through “roar” and “thunder?” What areas of our community does God needs to waken up through “roar” and “thunder?”

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