Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Master > Servant

May 14, 2017
John 13:2-5, 12-17

The prophet Isaiah used the love of a mother in order to explain the love of God. You would have a hard time finding someone that understands what service is better than a mother. A mother will serve even when she is tired, even when she feels embarrassed by her child’s behavior, and even when she feels like wanting to escape. In the same way, there is no better revelation of the character of God to humanity than Christ himself. In anticipation to the cross, Christ wrapped a towel around his waist and washed the feet of his disciples even when Peter was about to denied him, even when Judas was about to betray him, even when John and James were edging for positioning. At a critical moment edged in the mind of the disciples, Christ shows them how to serve and invites them to do the same.

When someone has served you in a time of need? How did you feel? What this meant for you?

How you would have reacted to Jesus wanting to wash your feet?

Read John 13:14. How are you living this out in your life?

What is one way that you could serve someone in your circle of influence? What keeps you from doing it?

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