Wednesday, June 28, 2017

You Should Know Better

June 25, 2017
Amos 2:6-16

You can almost hear the Israelites last week saying: “Take that Tyre! You are right Amos!” They were not blind to the crimes of Tyre and the rest of the nations. That was until the tables got turn on them. Yes, Tyre and the rest of the nations were guilty, but so was Israel. Not only was Israel guilty, but the difference is clear for Amos. Israel should have known better. They have covenant with God. They were the people chosen by God. They knew the truth and actively choose to suppress it. The covenant came with privileges but also with great expectations. While the rest of the nations committed crimes, the people of Israel sinned against God.

When is the last time that purposely ignored a person, place, or source that you knew would have provided the truth that you needed to hear simply because you did not wanted to hear it at the time? Explain.

Which one of the charges against Israel hits you the hardest? Why?

Why is it so damaging that they were ignoring the altar of worship and the temple of God? What would be the consequences?

Verses 9-11 list what God had done for Israel. What would a list for your life would look like today if God was writing it?

How are you like the Israelites in these verses? How are you different?

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