Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Refining Power of Marriage

February 12, 2017
Romans 3:23-24, Proverbs 27:17

Have you ever bought a house in your life? It can be a very stressful process. Everyone wants to “close” right away. All of the sudden, everyone is in a hurry. The sellers want their money. Their realtor wants her money. Your realtor wants his money. They are all waiting on you. So often we do not look at all the details. It is after you buy the house that you start to notice little (and not so little) defects about the house that the inspection missed. A crack here and a dent over there; and all of the sudden this house does not look as good as it looked at first. No imperfection can stay hidden when you live in the house. Same is true for marriage. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Yes, even her. Yes, even him.

How does the simple truth of Romans 3:22-23 – we all have sinned and fallen short – impacts a person that is waiting to get married until they find the perfect person?

If marriage is the union between one person who has fallen short and another person that has fallen short, that then decide to have children who has fallen short, why are we so surprise when we discover how difficult marriage can be?

What is one unique way that God wired your spouse that has helped to shape you into the person that God wants you to be? How about vice versa?

Do you see the challenges and struggles of your spouse as irritations and inconveniences in your life or as ways in which God is refining you?

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