Tuesday, February 21, 2017


February 19, 2017
Ephesians 5:21-31

There two important factors for intimacy to take place in marriage, mutual submission and perseverance. We can best express this idea in a formula….mutual submission / time = intimacy. Ephesians 5:21-31 is clear. Husband and wife are called to both submit to God. Wife is called to submit to her husband. Husband is called to submit to his wife. Any marriage that last longer than a week has some level of mutual submission. We are willing to do it on a short term basis, but to be willing to reach the level of intimacy in marriage that God designed you for you must be willing to go the distance. There are level of intimacy that you reach when at 20 years that you cannot imagine at 3 years of marriage. You need both mutual submission and time invested in order to reach intimacy.

What happens when you have time in marriage but an unwillingness to mutually submit to each other?

What happens when you have mutual submission but you do not have the time yet?

What happens when we submit to each other but not to Christ? What happens when we submit to Christ, but not to each other?

Why is it important to know that every marriage will go through seasons of close intimacy and painful distance?

How the story of the McQuilkin family speaks to you and your marriage?

How do you need to submit to your wife or husband this week? How do you need to submit to Christ this week?

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