Monday, December 5, 2016

He Connects Us

December 4, 2016
Matthew 1:18-25 

Joseph had a life plan. He had done the right things at the right time in the right way. Joseph was the kind of guy who knew what he wanted and how to get it. So he had a plan. Graduate high school with good grades (Check!). Go to church (Check!). Get a good job that does not interfere with school (Check!). Go to UCF, a good affordable school (Check!). Get engaged with my high school sweetheart (Check!). Just about when his good plan was about to come to fruition, God connected Joseph to a greater plan in the birth of Jesus. Jesus changes it all. In Jesus, our disconnected good plans get connected to the greater plan of God.

What is your life plan at this point? What is your 5 year plan?

What would have been the hardest part of this process for you if you were Joseph?

Do you think it was fair for God to ask Joseph to change his plan? Why?

Have you ever felt like God was changing your plan? What was your reaction? Why?

Read verses 22-23. The angel is presenting a greater vision to Joseph. Your child will be God with us. The idea is that Joseph’s sacrifice is minimal in order to accomplish this. What vision is God putting in front of you? How do you feel about your sacrifice in relationship to what God is trying to accomplish in you?

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