Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

September 24, 2017
Matthew 5:1-2, 6, Psalm 63:1

How many of you want your home to be blessed? In Matthew 5, Jesus presents us with a clear direct map for blessings in our lives and our families. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us a number of qualities that if we adopt as our own, we would be blessed. The list is simple, but not simplistic. There are no mysteries, but there are no shortcuts either. In adopting them as ours, we move from a home that believes in Christ to a Christ-centered home.

Based on how you currently spend your time and resources, what does your home hunger for?

What steps might you need to take to create a stronger hunger for God in your home?

How have you seen legalistic or lukewarm Christianity in your family? How has that affected your family?

What do you think being a Christ-centered home looks like for your family?

Are you involving God in your daily conversations with your family? Why or why not?

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