Monday, March 6, 2017

Who Can Forgive Sins?

March 5, 2017
Luke 5:17-26

There is a big difference between what you know in theory and what you know in reality. If I give you a recipe, in theory you should be able to prepare the dish following the instructions. Reality might be different. The Pharisees and the Teachers of the law knew in theory that God could forgive, what surprised them was that Jesus could forgive in reality. As a result they question his identity. In theory, we believe that Jesus can forgive sins. In theory, we believe that Jesus can forgive sins and restore lives, but do we believe that Jesus can forgive your sin and restore your life in reality?

Read Luke 5:17-26. Imagine yourself as one that is present on that day. What gets your attention? Why?

Jesus is healing sick person after sick person. Why do you think that the Pharisees had an issue with Jesus forgiving but not with him healing?

What is easier for you to believe: that Jesus can heal or that Jesus can forgive you? Why?

Why was it important for them to understand that the “Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins?”

Why is it so hard for some of to believe that God can actually in reality, not just theory, restore your body and your heart? Where in your life do you need restoration?

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