Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Are You The One Who Is To Come?

March 12, 2017
Luke 7:18-23

Have you ever ordered something online with great expectations only to find yourself disappointed at the end? A blanket that is not nearly as fluffy as they appeared on the pictures. A toy that requires a lot more assembly than expected. A shoe that fits two sizes too small. Your first instinct is to return it. John had a similar experience with Jesus. John had clear expectations as to what Jesus was supposed to do (Luke 3:16-17), but upon Jesus arrival, John started to wonder if there was a return policy on Jesus. “Are you the one who is to come? Or, should we wait for another one?” Yet, Jesus as our Lord is not bound to John’s expectations of what the Messiah was to be or do. How do we follow Jesus when He goes in directions that we never expected?

Do you have any horror stories while ordering something online? How did it failed your expectations?

Where your expectations of who Jesus is come from?

How hard do you think it was for John to send this message to Jesus? Why? Have you ever been in a situation like that?

What do you think that Jesus means when he states: “blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me?”

Is there any time in your life when your journey of discipleship called on you to give up something or grow in an area that you never expected to be necessary? What is God calling you to do about?

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