Wednesday, January 11, 2017


January 8, 2017
Deuteronomy 7 17-19

One of my favorite things to do during the holidays is remembering. We all love good memories.  You sit around the living room with mugs of hot chocolate while the kids are playing with new toys in the other room and we remember. “Remember when Tom broke the blender and blamed on Sharon and she had to mixed stuff by hand before Mom find out…” The journey to Start Over starts with remembering. Remembering allows us to understand where we are starting as we move forward. It allows us to trust God in the present. We remember the good things, but also the not so good. We acknowledge our mistakes and the fact that God was faithful even back then.

Many times we remember the wrong things and forget all the right things. What wrong things do you need to forget? What right things do you need to remember?

What’s a present concern that would be easier to entrust to God after remembering who God is and what He has done?

How remembering who God has been in your life could affect your current problems?

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