Monday, August 10, 2020

Not So With You

August 9, 2020

Mark 10:35-45

Do you remember the first time you got to be boss? Maybe you got left in charge while your mom was going to the supermarket. Maybe you got the coveted Assistant to the Assistant Manager position. But what is it that most people do when they get to be the boss for the first time? They “lord over others.” We say things like “I am going to tell mom and dad when she gets here.” We take full advantage of our recently found power to get under others skin. For the rest of the world that is ok, but not so for those who call themselves Christians. In Christianity, to be a leader is to be the greatest servant. It means to serve others with everything that you got. Just like Jesus did.

Tell us about the first time that you got to be the boss. What did you do?

Why do you think that James and John asked for Jesus to do “whatever we ask” before telling Jesus the nature of their request? What does this tell us about James and John? 

Is there a moment in your life when you asked something from Jesus without really knowing what you were asking for? Explain. 

Leadership meant something different for the followers of Christ than for everyone else. Why do you think Jesus saw it this way? Why was it so important? 

How your understanding of leadership would be different if you were to follow Jesus’ description of leadership? What is at least one element that would change in your definition?


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