Sunday, June 7, 2020

From Fear to Faith in Failure

June 7, 2020
The question is not whether we are going to fail. The reality is that we all fail. The measure of our spiritual maturity is what we will do when we fail. Risks are a necessary part of serving God, but failure is an event and not the definition of who we are. So what happens to you is much less important than what happens in you. Many times our greatest fear is failure when the reality is that our greatest pain is remorse.

What opportunity did you miss in your life because of the fear of failure?

What exactly do you think the servant was afraid of? The situation? The boss? Other?

What would you have done in the same situation?

Do you agree with the boss's actions? Why?

Why give the gold to the one who already has ten? Do you agree with this action?

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