Monday, March 26, 2018

Palm Sunday

March 25, 2018

The idea of ​​the Messiah was constantly present in the minds of the Israelites before the triumphal entry of Jesus. For example, Theudas and Judas the Galilean, both began military campaigns that were destroyed shortly after they had begun. Herod himself entered every year on horseback with his army making his own case for the position of Messiah. But Jesus, confirming the prophecy, did not arrive on horseback but on a donkey, he did not arrive with soldiers but with disciples, he did not intimidate the people but motivated their spontaneous adoration.

Have you ever been surprised to meet or reencounter someone who looks completely different to what you expected or remembered? Explain.

Why do you think it was so important for Jesus to fulfill the prophecy? How different is a Messiah who enters on horseback and with an army to one who enters on a donkey and with disciples?

Matthew 20 presents two brothers who are blind to the reality of Jesus despite being disciples and two literal blind men who recognize Jesus as Messiah. Matthew 21:12-17 present Jesus taking control of the temple. How these verses informed our passage for this week?

Clearly there are two groups that react differently to the entrance of Jesus. How do you think you would have responded by seeing Jesus in a donkey entering Jerusalem?

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