Monday, July 24, 2017

Comfort for the Afflicted

July 23, 2017
Amos 9:1-15

Amos’ message is relentless. One after another, Amos’ visions and messages take on the establishment of Israel on a deeply personal level. God judged the people in Amos’ day because they had grown careless and complacent, and their religion had become counterfeit. The abused and the poor took advantage of the widow. Yet through it all, God’s purpose in judging people is not annihilation, but salvation – to weed out the fakes and safeguard the faithful. Comfort to the afflicted and affliction to the comfortable. A new day is dawning for those who place their faith in Christ, and whose lives glorify God, when futility and desolation will be replaced by prosperity and joy.

Have you ever experienced the days that follow a hurricane, tornado, or any other disaster? How did you feel? How did people treated each other?

How are verses 1-10 different from verses 11-15? Why do you think this is the case?

Why do you think that all of this punishment and destruction must take place before restoration would follow?

Read verses 13-15. What stands out to you? How do the images of these verses compare to the current condition of Israel?

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