Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Establishment of the Upside-Down Kingdom

March 17, 2019
Luke 17:20-21, 18:15-17

Not everybody knew exactly what Jesus was talking about – they didn’t realize that Jesus was God in human form – a living sing that the Kingdom was being establish on earth, right in their midst! To get their attention, Jesus didn’t only talk about this new Kingdom, Jesus showed them what living as part of this Kingdom would look like. The way Jesus saw things and treated people sometimes seemed very upside-down compared to what people were used to.

Imagine that you had the power to start your own Kingdom. What would your kingdom look like? Where would it be located? Who would be the king? What would be your three most important laws?

Read Luke 17:20-21. Try to rewrite what Jesus said using your own words.

Read Luke 18:15-17. What do you think people expected Jesus to do? What did Jesus do instead? Why?

If you were honest with yourself, how do you think you would have reacted if you were listening to Jesus speak in verses above? What does that tell you of your expectations for the Kingdom in our community?

Establecimiento del Reino Boca-Arriba

17 de marzo del 2019 
Lucas 17:20-21, 18:15-17

No todos sabían exactamente de qué estaba hablando Jesús; no se dieron cuenta de que Jesús era Dios en forma humana, ¡prueba viva de que el Reino se estaba estableciendo en la tierra, justo en medio de ellos! Para atraer su atención, Jesús no solo habló sobre este nuevo Reino, sino que les mostró cómo sería la vida como parte de este Reino. La forma en que Jesús veía las cosas y trataba a las personas a veces parecía muy al revés en comparación con lo que las personas estaban acostumbradas.

Imagina que tienes el poder para comenzar tu propio Reino. ¿Cómo sería tu reino? ¿Dónde estaría ubicado? ¿Quién sería el rey? ¿Cuáles serían tus tres leyes más importantes?

Lee Lucas 17: 20-21. Intenta reescribir lo que Jesús dijo usando tus propias palabras.

Lee Lucas 18: 15-17. ¿Qué crees que la gente esperaba que Jesús hiciera? ¿Qué hizo Jesús en vez? ¿Por qué?

Si fueras honesto contigo mismo, ¿cómo crees que habrías reaccionado si hubieras escuchado a Jesús hablar en los versículos anteriores? ¿Qué te dice eso de tus expectativas para el Reino en nuestra comunidad?

We Are Faithful

March 10, 2019 
Hebrews 10:19-23

We tend to think about faithfulness as situational. If the situation changes, then I don’t have to faithful anymore. For Hebrews, faithfulness for the church is relational. Through the blood of Christ we have been given access to the deepest of relationships with the Most High. Where our ancestors had to be afraid, we can go with open sincere hearts. Based on this unwavering love for us, we stay faithful to the hope that we have in Christ no matter what our situation might be at the moment. Situations change, but God never changes, therefore we are faithful.

Has anyone been unfaithful to you in any way? How did you felt at that moment?

Do you feel that you can enter even the “Most Holy Place” of your relationship with God without fear? Do you feel that you can have an open relationship with God without any fear of rejection?

Read verse 23. How an unwavering promised from God does produces a firm faith in us?

How could you be more faithful in your spiritual walk and in the life of the church?