April 8, 2018
Matthew 5:13
Salt served two important functions at the time of Jesus. One was the preservation of food. In a world without electricity or refrigeration, salt served as the main preservative of food. The same is true for the church within our community. The church is called to preserve the community from the effects of the decomposition of sin. The other was seasoning. The church is called to change the flavor of our community. For that we have to get in direct contact with it. According to Jesus, when we refuse to do this, we are good for nothing.
When was the last time that a dish you longed to eat was passed its date? How did you feel when you found out?
How would you have felt if you had been one of those disciples just beginning to walk with Jesus and hear these words?
Do you think that the words of Jesus are too strong? Why?
How are you being "salt" in your community?